The Blended Future Project coordinated this all day virtual event on behalf of the Multiracial Americans of Southern California featuring:
- Conversation with Jason Winston George & Vandana Khanna
- Fireside chat with Laya Deleon Hayes and her mom and dad, Gina and Kevin
- Book reading by Shonda Buchanan Author of Black Indian, a mixed race migration memoir
- Exclusive musical presentation by Ronnie Nells, featuring Reed Puckett and the writings of Poet Aarika Raine
- Bill of Rights for Mixed Heritage presented by Author Maria P. P. Root
- Navigating Life Together- panel featuring Dr. James Brooks, Frederic M. Douglas Esq, Miatta Vincent Ronca, and Sharmane Fury
- Representation in Media- panel featuring Maris Lidaka, Delia Douglas Haight, Sophie Kanno, and Helenna Santos
- Teen Empowerment and Communication- interactive discussion with Dr. Jenn Noble on teen empowerment and better communication with parents
- Empowerment in Advocacy- fireside chat with Ernest Crim III on the power of Advocacy Virtual Art Exhibit. Multiracial, multiethnic, multicultural, BIPOC and ally celebrities, experts, professionals, musicians and creatives showcasing their work on our virtual stage and in our virtual art gallery.
- Plus, a curly hair demo with Kelsey Bunker Robertson powered by CurlyKids HairCare.
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